Transfering a custom domain name to or from Journo Portfolio

How to transfer a domain name to Journo Portfolio

Upgrade to Pro

To transfer a domain that you own with another registrar to Journo Portfolio you should first upgrade to the Pro plan.

During the upgrade process, you will have an opportunity to select a domain name, you can enter the domain you own and use the "I already own this domain" setting. If you have already upgraded and didn't do this step it is not a problem.

Prepare your domain for transfer

Then you should prepare the domain for transfer by 1) making sure that the domain is "unlocked", and 2) obtaining the Auth/Authorisation/EPP code. These can be done with the existing registrar, contact their support if you need help doing this.

Send us the Auth code

Once the domain is unlocked please send us the "Auth code" for the domain name by emailing . Include the domain name that is to be transferred. We will start the process of transferring it which normally takes 3-5 days but can vary. There are no fees to transfer a domain other than those of the Pro plan.

Once the domain name has transferred it will be automatically connected to your portfolio.

How to transfer a domain name away from Journo Portfolio

Simply email from your account email address requesting the "Auth code" for the domain. We will unlock the domain name and send you the auth code which you can take to any other registrar. There are no fees to transfer a domain away on our side but there normally will be a transfer fee from the new registrar.

The 60 day transfer window

You can not transfer a domain within 60 days of it being registered or renewed. This restriction is a global domain transfer rule. If you are transferring a domain to us you will need to wait for this 60 day window to pass. In the meantime, you can configure the DNS of the domain where it is.

If you are transferring a domain away within 60 days, please message us and we can configure the domain DNS to work with your new provider until the domain can be transferred.

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